OK OK OK OK, I'm posting something. I have some shots, but they are on my editors comp, so I'll have to collect them soon.
I dont take alot of shots here, bit of a piss off, but I suppose learning the fine art of writting is good too.
I shot a child care rally yesterday, so I'll post them soon.
This is an editorial I wrote for this weeks paper. The town of gibsons wants to ban smoking in or around municipal lands, parks, sidewalks, bus stops....etc.......couldn't let that slide.
If I have to live here, they can' t take my smoking away from me!
So this is my response, let me know what you think
I’m a smoker there I said it.
I realize that the stigma around smoking today makes me the equivalent of a modern day leper, but it s a decision, a bad one, I made years ago.
I’ve been shoved outside in the pouring rain, dispelled to the outer reaches of society, and if the Town of Gibsons would have it their way, I wouldn’t be allowed to smoke in or around any municipally owned lands.
C’mon now, never mind the human rights surrounding that, where am I going to go?
Put the pens down, stop typing the angry emails your thinking about sending me; I am not a tobacco lobbyist. It is by far the stupidest decision I’ve ever made, and I am not suggesting that kids should pick up a pack of cigarettes and rise against city council.
However, I am a resident of Gibsons, and I have a right to enjoy municipally owned lands, whichever way I see fit too; even if that includes smoking in public.
Just to clarify, municipal owned lands include, sidewalks, bus stops, and our world-renowned parks.
I will applaud their efforts, but this proposal has gone too far. On that logic, fast food restaurants, liquor stores, and a lack of exercise should all be banned from Gibsons. Once you open that Pandora’s box, where do you draw the line?
The Town of Gibsons argument is the second hand smoke effects inflicted upon ‘good healthy’ citizens, fair enough; and the motion was an extension of banning smoking in workplaces, and company vehicles, which I support. But until now, you could always pullover and get out to have a smoke. What are we going to do now, step over the sidewalks and stand in the middle of the road?
I wonder if their insurance would cover that?
Politicians have shoved us outside for years, because that was suppose to be better for the non-smokers health, fine; so I ask Gibson city council why take that away from us now? You put us out there so where do you suggest we go?
This motion screams municipal condemnation, punishing us for being a smoker. It is a person’s personal right to make stupid decisions; it is a human right.
Taking away a British Columbian’s right to enjoy our natural parks, parks we, smokers included, lobbied so hard to have created, is a slap in the face. Not to mention the amount of provincial and federal taxes we pay on those packs of cigarettes, which amusingly enough, help to maintain and restore our parks.
I wonder how many smokers in Vancouver pledged funds for the Stanley Park restoration project, a project that raised just over 2 million dollars, I wonder how happy they would be if the City of Vancouver banned smoking in Stanley Park?
Smokers are not bad people; they pay taxes just like the rest of the non-smoking population, and have a right to enjoy the fruits of their labours.
I cannot tell you what to do, but to all those, smokers or non-smokers, write with your concerns or praise to the Town of Gibsons, and tell them what you think.
This is an issue that needs discussion, council needs to hear what the towns residents think, don’t let them make this decision by themselves.
That being said, I’m off to walk off the frustration in one of my parks, and I’m going to enjoy my time there, and yes that will include smoking,
Gibsons forgive me.
OMG hilarious... umm, but seriously, where will you go?
Way to go, check out:
umm, you HAVE to post that on your blog Sar, Brett's picture... send it to her.
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